Working online is productive, no loss of time or data


Digital cleanliness online

Productivity starts with a neat workplace, both desk and office, but digital order is also very important to be productive. Be sure to use an online storage location to keep your work material so that it is always accessible from anywhere.

App that works

If an application works well for you, continue with this. Doing things differently for someone else with better software is only better if it is more efficient or more fun.

Online not harder but smarter

You shouldn't keep doing something that doesn't work and don't work harder if smarter is the outcome. Working with your own online application is a very smart move and a good start to a productively finished task.

Working online is effective

When you work online you never lose time or data when you change workstation or device, you can always start up to date anywhere.

Todo list for efficiency

To be productive, create a todo list for tomorrow today. Use an online application for this so that you have the day assignments always and everywhere available. Also plan your breaks, set priorities and don't clutter the list.

Apps Productive

Docs Google
Docs Google
Office Microsoft
Office Microsoft

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You shouldn't keep doing something that doesn't work and don't work harder if smarter is the outcome. If an application works well for you, continue with this.